Ellen Ave

5+ Years In The Fitness Industry: Getting Clients, How To Price, Lead Generation, The Art Of Community & Following Up + more

July 25, 2023 Fin Barnett Episode 122
5+ Years In The Fitness Industry: Getting Clients, How To Price, Lead Generation, The Art Of Community & Following Up + more
Ellen Ave
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Ellen Ave
5+ Years In The Fitness Industry: Getting Clients, How To Price, Lead Generation, The Art Of Community & Following Up + more
Jul 25, 2023 Episode 122
Fin Barnett

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Episode 122: Fin (@barneybarnett01), Courtney (@courtsbridgerfit), and Tyler (@tylerjordanlewis) talk about business in the fitness industry. Personal training, online coaching, group fitness, paid courses, mentors - the team discusses the various avenues available and the challenges that come with them. 

Discover why lasting in the industry can be tough and gain valuable advice to navigate this competitive landscape. Stay tuned till the end as we tease the need for round 2 of this engaging conversation with Tyler, and get ready to elevate your fitness business game.

Enjoy the show!

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Episode 122: Fin (@barneybarnett01), Courtney (@courtsbridgerfit), and Tyler (@tylerjordanlewis) talk about business in the fitness industry. Personal training, online coaching, group fitness, paid courses, mentors - the team discusses the various avenues available and the challenges that come with them. 

Discover why lasting in the industry can be tough and gain valuable advice to navigate this competitive landscape. Stay tuned till the end as we tease the need for round 2 of this engaging conversation with Tyler, and get ready to elevate your fitness business game.

Enjoy the show!

Want more Ellen Ave? Head over ellenave.com now and subscribe to the newsletter. It's the best way to get everything.


Website & Newsletter: ellenave.com
LinkedIn Profile: Finlay Barnett
Instagram: @ellenavepodcast
Youtube: Ellen Ave Media
TikTok: @ellenavepodcast


Put your price out there. Don't feel like it's too much. You know. Own it Like you are worth that much. You're putting in your time, you're putting in your energy, and what people don't understand is We've got a question for you.


Do get many of the clients you go through like BFT or in person that you're coaching.


Yeah, you know, you know what I think for like the fitness industry specific. I think like the biggest thing you can do is like literally not have a brand. Okay, I'll hit record. We're back, alan Ava's back, we're officially back on and we can pick up our conversation. We're at left off in the car before we do Four melodies that need to be out of the way. I just want to thank both of you for being here and I appreciate you taking the time to come and have a chat. Courtney, I'm excited to talk to you about everything fitness and the business side of it. Tyler Bro, I couldn't imagine a better co-pilot for this shit.


Man, let's go, I'm ready. I want to say something.


I want to just get in there and start chatting. I don't even know what I want to chat about.


Honestly, the vibes are immaculate.


We're sitting here on a couch. I'm in this cozy puffer right now. Sam actually got me this for my birthday. Oh really, oh cute. Do you know? When I said that you were coming on the podcast, she's like what do you mean? Courtney's coming on the podcast? She's like how come no one told me?


I was like I don't know. I like he thought she would come once. I was like where's Sam? Why is she not here? Yeah, she's a working gal now she would have so much.


FOMO. Fans of the podcast know she's a bit of a working gal now sitting in Ponsonby as we speak with a coffee and hand.


Yeah, living the Ponsonby life, ponsonby life, the Ponsonby life man.


It's honestly good guys, I'm actually going to head in there tomorrow just to work from a calf.


Oh, that's so nice. What's that? I always go to the Daily Bread Ponsonby Daily Bread Slaps, such a vibe.


Or Dear Gervois on the corner, that cafe, absolutely immaculate. We were talking about a whole lot of things before we walked back into the room and turned on the microphones. It was all sort of like around like coaching and stuff. Yeah, and I kind of want to just I just want to like ask you questions today. I just want to ask both of you questions.


Tyler, I just want you to ask questions. Yeah, I just like coming back on the podcast is so exciting and I'm just I'm genuinely like real excited to be back. Like I just want to make it all about whoever comes on the podcast. I just want to like ask them stupid questions, have them answer, ask them more stupid questions and just like just have a chat and just learn more about like. So, for example, in this case, like you guys or you caught and just like learn you know what do you do? Why do you do it? How does it work? Like, how did you come across it? What are your tips and tricks that anyone listening can like obviously have a bit of a laugh. Tyler's just rearing to go.


He's just excited.


I can see it. Oh my god.


I think like the place to start would just be like tell us, maybe tell us about yourself, yeah, and I might get Tyler to tell us a bit about himself too, and then and then rip into just questions as they come up. Also, I did put up on the story. I've got a couple of questions.


Oh, so cool.


For you as well. Just a couple, but yeah, a couple, none of the least. So tell me about yourself.


All right guys. Well, firstly, thanks for having me on. I'm so excited. Obviously, I've known Finn for a while now, so I've been itching to come on this and just have a bit of a yarn with everyone. I'm very excited that you know the first one on in a while, which is pretty cool.


A long time.


The first one back.


Yeah, you're claiming the title. I mean, we've really had some good chats already in the car. But yeah, first of all, obviously my name is Courtney and I've been in the fitness industry for about five years now.


When I say that I'm like.


Oh, my god.


Do you know that, like, the average time in the fitness industry is like four months? I know, I've seen it with my own eyes. The turnaround is unreal. I remember when I first started working at 45, I was like, okay, it's August, now I'm going to be done by December. It's like a fact Like it's like people especially like PTAs in the.


PT industry.


I saw it with my own eyes, man. Just like month, like, like you said, three months, new PTAs every three months just like they'd roll through them.


And you've been around for five years. So anyway, it's been around for five years.


Stuck around. How crazy is that. So, yeah, so five years is crazy, that's wild. So that means my first job ever was in a gym. Yeah Right, so only ever works in the fitness industry. So like, yeah, and it sounds quite funny. I still remember, like obviously PT is so rough, like sometimes you have highs, sometimes you have lows, rain, bad winds, are like a really low stage and I was like fuck this. I'm going to apply for like a retail job and.


I was like going through what they were like looking for and everything was like they all was like like experience and like retail experience and like this and this.


And I was like, fuck, I've only worked, ever worked in a gym. Like I don't have no experience anywhere else, like I could not apply for any jobs. I was like I've only ever worked. Even they came back to me and they're like, okay, but have you ever done anything else but work in a gym? And I said no, it's like never, not even like as a high school kid or anything like that Wild. So I just went back to PT because I was like, well, I'm good at obviously. So, yeah, I've been in the fitness industry for five years. I started kind of at like the Stamble Bay Ledger Center. That's why I started.


Stanmore Bay I don't even know where Stanmore Bay is.


Is that coast? Yeah, isn't that where Sam?


That's how Sam and I know each other. Yeah, so that's why I got qualified. Yeah, when I was in the gym they got qualified. Then went straight to Les Males um Taka and then became a PT there. Um, so that was quite cool. Definitely learned a lot. I was there for like four years just over four years, so that's pretty cool.


That's cool, that's cool.


That is like it's generally such a good time. I left Les Males probably about three months ago, yeah, so that's quite um obviously heartbreaking for me, and me and my clients. You know some clients I had for literally four years and I saw them every day for four years. I was wild.


I was on a chip in there. That is a hard thing to do when you've been working with clients for four years, some of them, and you've seen their progress the whole way through.


That's like emotional.


Yeah, and you've got to say, oh hey, I'm moving on. That's so hard, so congratulations on leaving.


I'm sure it was hard, but also like.


That's a big step to make.


It was and like you're, like you become a part of each other's lives. Like I know their families, like we go out for dinners. Like you, know, birthdays, like that kind of stuff.


So do you still get to do all the dinners and birthdays?


Honestly, like we're still like do you want to go for coffee? Do you want to hang out Like?


let's skip this gym thing and just do what we're really here for, you know.


Which is hanging out. Um, so yeah, that's pretty cool. I do coach as well. So I've been coaching at BFT and Ponserby for a few months now, which is actually I didn't think that I would like it, obviously being a personal trainer and group training complete opposite. Different vibes, hey Different coaching, different coaching styles, different coaching, everything but, man, I've generally loved it. It's been such a good switch up, such a good change.


After four years, after four years I've learnt a lot, which is quite good, because I mean, I feel like you think you know everything, but then you switch it up completely and you're in this new environment. You're like well, I actually don't know what I'm doing.


It's so opposite of what.


I'm used to. So that was pretty, that's pretty cool and I do enjoy that. So, yeah, with with peting and stuff, I did get nutrition qualified as well, so I was a qualified sports nutritionist. So that's pretty cool. That's what I kind of wanted to go in, the direction I wanted to go in, anyway, definitely being some up and downs. Like you know how does the fitness industry, like you're always trying to make money, trying to go online, trying to do all this stuff, and you know, like New Zealand is probably not the best place to do all that stuff, but recently I've completely gone online with all my training and nutrition to normal petes and I'm just coaching kind of on the side at the moment with that.


What's like? So what's what's like? The decision that goes behind, like coming out of Les Mills was like you just need to change. You've been there for like literally like way too long four years ages and then now you've got like a happy balance that seems of you know, like the BFT 20 hours, and then like the online coaching as well.




How do you decide like this is you know I don't want to. I want to like do group training and I don't want to do PT, but I want to like do online coaching, like as money effector in that like is is like your time or like is it literally that you just are over PT or is it like because I know some people like will talk about like how you charge and stuff soon, but some people it's like they just don't charge enough to justify like spending. You know that hour with one person versus like you can scale your time and go on like is that part of like what?


So I feel like being PT is always an up and down little roller coaster. I felt like I don't know how I lasted so long. Some weeks amazing, some weeks pretty average. So it's definitely you're just constantly writing like a little wave of emotions, like you're just up and down, up and down, and I feel like, unfortunately now, like in the fitness industry, like If you go to like even at like BFT, like all the trainers, like all of us, have like three jobs, like you get there not all of them work at one BFT like they're like oh, I work here and then I Work at studio box and teach classes here. Like they're all spread out and I don't know if that is just because people are struggling to make money in the fitness industry or you have to be like a PT and have to have something else on the side. But what I found is like I obviously did well to last four years as a PT, but not to the point where you could actually like Save and make like a decent amount.


Yeah you know, like I found like a lot of the older pts were kind of dropping off because they started having families and stuff and they were like kid and you go find like a real job now.


You know like I'm gonna have a baby soon and that kind of stuff. Um, I was quite lucky that um. So I've got, uh, online mentors called Steve paps, yeah, okay, so he's really really great dude, really really smart. He used to do a lot of online um training, used to be huge a few years ago. Now he's kind of more into like um Marketing and like nlp and that kind of stuff, right, um, so he kind of approached me and a few people and was like look, I want to help all these pts get online. This is how I'm gonna do it. I'm gonna mentor you throughout, I'm gonna show you how to get everything started, that kind of stuff. So that that for me, was kind of like this is what I really want, right, you, everyone's been on like coach. I want to be able to travel, have that flexibility and that kind of stuff.


So I was like great, and because I've known to see for a few years now Like he would come in and do workshops with us and he would always tell me like oh, it's like, the only way you can actually Do this and go fully online is if you do it Like you got to throw yourself into it like you can't have your can't do it.


You can't, you can't be, right here you can't do this and you can't do that, like it just doesn't work that way, like you need to throw yourself into it. And you know I kept on being like, oh, like, you know, it's kind of risky move, is such a risky move. So I decided, okay, we're leaving pt and we're gonna go in this direction and we're gonna give everything we've got. So that's what I'm currently doing at the moment. Um, the bft I mean, I enjoy that so much.


I love like the in-person aspect of things and I feel like on like the days that I am just at home on my computer, I do miss it and I'm like I don't like being here by myself, Like I do have a passion for training people. So I do really want to sort of keep that as as much as I can for as long as I can. But I've also noticed that since I've like stepped away from pt, obviously I wanted my nutrition to grow. My nutrition wasn't growing at all when I was a pt. Now that I've stepped away and I've put more energy into it, I'm like getting so many nutrition clients and like getting and getting it.


So it is definitely like Just taking a step away from something and then putting all your energy into something else and you'll actually see that it starts to like work and grow a little bit. Um. So yeah, it's definitely. I think that Money definitely plays a good role in it because I mean, you're, like you say like how are you gonna do it? A lot of my friends who have been like successfully online have had like pretty good savings going into it.


So, they did just stay at home every day, work online and like had money with them. Like me, like obviously I have to pay rent, I have to pay that kind of stuff. So I'm gonna go work 20 hours a week and then the rest try to go online. But yeah, like, like I said, you've actually just got to fully throw yourself into it.


Do you a good question for you? Do you get many of the clients you go through like bft or in person you're coaching I do? Many of them kind of come across and jump on the online thing because that, that for me is a coach myself, that whole in person thing, them getting to know you're 50% of the reason why people actually get coaching lessons with you or a coach by you, is because they know you're in person.


At bft and they're like man, I really want to work with this, this, this girl. She's awesome. I just love the energy and love the attitude. I love what she's talking about, you know. And then, oh, she's got an online program. Now I'm gonna go to that. So I do feel like doing both one leads into the other, right.


Yeah, 100%, like I feel like with bft. I'm pretty lucky They've got like their eight week challenges at the moment and the last challenge I had a guy hop on my nutrition and he lost like 10 kgs in eight weeks. It's not bad at all, he was looked great and everyone kind of clicked on and I like, oh, what has he been doing different? Because the thing is with like bft and that kind of stuff and I man, I hate the word eight week challenge Grounds me up man, I just like challenges.


They just run the man. That's a marketing stunt for sure. Every, every two months is an eight week challenge. You know why I don't like them? Is because it's like so short term. It's not like a long term habit thing. And then people like do it, and then they go back and they do it again. It's just so very just.


How do we?


have like a long term yeah.


Exactly so yeah, that's everyone kind of saw him and was like whoa, how did you know? Like I'm a nutritionist, I know how much weight you should be losing in the dipset. So you come up to me and tell me you've lost two kgs in eight weeks. I'm not impressed. I'm like well you've done really bad. You know they come up to me and be like look at my scan, I've lost a kg of muscle and that's nothing.


I'm okay, oh my god, I'll try yeah.


It groans my gits. So I'm like okay, so I, a few people have caught on and been like can you do my nutrition? And I've got this one client now. Um, he's amazing. Um, he started with me probably three months ago at 117 kgs 117 kgs and he was under eating massively and I was like, oh, he came up to me and was like, please help me, like I think I've been doing every challenge and I've not lost anyway that word again right, I've not lost anyway, he comes and he changes every day.


He trains every day and he's like I just don't know what it is. I was like look, you're not eating enough, dude, Like you're not eating enough. And he was like what do you mean? What do you mean? And I was like okay, just give me full trust. Yeah, I'm gonna bump your calories up, dude. You're gonna start eating like 3,000 calories a day and we're gonna just track it, track it. And I mean, he did he. He checked in this week in in 106 kgs.


Yeah, you're right, that's more than 10 kgs down in three months.


You know, he came up to me when we first started and we had goals and he was like Okay, my goal is to lose five kgs by the end of the year. And I looked at him and I just smiled and I was like I was like, okay, let's start with that, but I won't need to think a little bit bigger. And he was like okay, okay. And like now, just seeing him walk into like the studio with so much confidence, like he walks in now, and he's like well, like how's your dad? He goes great, amazing.


I'm awesome.


Like he's just so confident and it's like the little things. He'll come up to me and be like hey, cool. It's like look at this shirt, I'm like Nice. And he goes I've never worn this size shirt before in my whole life.


I bought it yesterday. Do you know what that? Like you, like I, have a real close mate and he's like been on a journey as well.


He listens to every episode, so I know that, as I say this, he'll be listening.


I love you, man. He um, he said to me once like he Like one of his biggest moments was when he like could go and buy this like clothing brand that he really likes, but he's never been able to fit it and he went Fuck. And he went and bought like every single colorway of the jumpers and the teas and he like always wears it around and not many people know that, but to him it's like the biggest you know, how do you like, how do you leverage that as, like you know, from a business perspective, being like you know You're delivering really good results to someone.


You're giving them, like, exactly what they want and more. You're making a massive change in their life. That's real good for them, real good for you. Then, like, how do you leverage that from a business perspective to be like you know, how do I, how do I get more of this, or how do I use that to show people that I can do that, like, what do you, what do you do for that sort of stuff?


I feel like what's worked for me recently is obviously word of mouth has been great um, because people talk man Like when you, when people start seeing results and they see that it works.


They won't shut up about it. They just talk, talk, talk, um at the moment, the same thing. Just getting them to talk like you've got to kind of pit yourself, because I mean, every second person is a Fitness person at the moment on Instagram and it's like do my program, do this, you'll get this. But when they actually start seeing other people's results, that's what I okay, this is actually working. So I've noticed that, just like heave of testimonials getting people to actually talk about their journey with you, because I feel like that's what's gonna make you stand out from everyone else 100%, because I can say whatever I want and you don't have to believe me.


But if you actually see it on someone else and hear it from someone else, you're probably gonna believe them more than you know.


You know what I think yeah for, like the fitness industry specific.


I think, like, if you're in a position where you don't have to rely on like, like you're not trying to like feed your family and stuff, like. So, say, for a lot of people like myself included, like you as well, bro like, I think, if you're doing it for a bit of a side thing or for like, you know it makes you feel good and that works as well. I think, like, the biggest thing you can do is like literally not have a brand, like, yeah, like, literally not. Like be on Instagram or not, be on like trying to market or not trying to like go into gyms and stuff. The best thing you can do is get a client and then give them real good results.


Yeah, and then like yeah, yeah then like.


Ten weeks later, they like are literally a walking marketing.


Yeah, that's like they're literally a marketing gimmick for you going around. They've, they've got five, ten friends, they've got twenty friends, they've got people in my case it's athletes who watch them play. And it's like, bro, like you're on another level, likely what's been happening? Oh, wow, actually I've been like Fin's been programming, and then they come up to you and then it's like and then it's like I have, bro, it's like, oh, like, can you do me to say, oh, yeah, yeah, yeah, if you're keen, bro, yeah, this is what it is, mm-hmm, yep, keen, and then you do do real good results with them, yeah, and then I just, and you just play like a long Go, yeah, it's real proper marketing like that.


That is. That is how you get the right clients as well. Hmm you can. You can go use Instagram, you can go use all these different tools, plies, posters, whatever and you just get a whole lot of People who just you don't want as clients. Yeah, you know like they're just not not in it for the right reasons. They don't truly believe in what you're doing, the skeptical of what you're doing, but they're there to catch you out almost.


And exactly like you said. You know, if you Now someone got the advice the other day where I said do two things over the holidays to chug in more clients, the first thing was just go to your lessons and stuff. Talk to these people, say you know, hey, if you guys want lessons, you know, let me know you. I see a lot of potential in you.


I don't get to this point.


If you want to get to that point, I'm here. Just give me a text and I'm ready to you know, I reckon I can really help you out here. You know I don't have to do this, but I I want to give you the opportunity to do it, because I see potential in you, not everyone else, just just you. And the other thing was the clients you already have. Go and talk to them and say hey, I've got four slots left, my for my next you know anyone for, yeah, I love my lessons with you.


You are my perfect client. Like I just enjoy my spending time with you. I see the progress you're making. I know you're enjoying it. I want more clients like you. Do you know anyone? If so, just gone, go and talk to them, let me know, and then come back and and just goes from there, because there's a wow. Like you know, he just loves my lessons, like oh my friend might love this, and then they feel good because they're getting their friend into something that they might find passionate 100% people, people, people, people, people.


That's why I like I think it's just you know, if you're, if you're not having to pay bills, like it's, the best way is to just like do a real good job and then let that speak for you. And then, yeah, literally like it weeds out, yeah, like everyone else that doesn't agree with you or wouldn't want you to be the guy because they come to you, yeah, and then it's like oh well, I can especially like, for example, my case. Like I've got like a full-time job I'm marketing. Like I don't actually want, you know, like I don't want like 20, 30 clients. I'm like, no, I want like five to ten and I'm happy you know like.


Yeah, I just want to like mail them for those guys.


You know, like I don't actually want to scale it anymore, you know, and then that, yeah, there's like a whole heap of a whole heap of ways to do it. You know, I think another thing like as well, that's real interesting, that helps deliver that services like the upskilling.




Like what do you do for? Like like you've you've gone and started out and then you've gone and got like PT and then you've gone and got Nutrition. Like do you Still doing stuff? Like I have like a list of courses. A, I like have a list of courses that I want to do and I use the money Because it's like a side thing for me. I use the money to go and buy More courses to upskill, yeah. So literally I set up like a bank account and all my money that I get from like programming athletes Goes into that like business bank account. Yeah, and I only use that money, apart from accidentally last week on my birthday, for I took out some money to get a course. You know, I was like I'm gonna start, I'm gonna start doing this. You know I'm gonna start with this course.


Few hundred bucks, beauty and then I was like oh wow, I also do need a couple of t-shirts. Hey, we're not, we're not perfect, right, but like I use, I use that and then as well, you can write off that course as well, because it's professional development. Do you do anything like that, or not?


So like, like I can see it, did the nutrition, so without nutrition, like it's called the sports nutrition Association. So once you've done your qualification, they give you two years. Yeah, like kind of. Then you have to apply for your masters. Oh we're, we're insured and everything under them. We pay insurance, monthly, that stuff, but then until you're so, probably like the end of this year, I have to do my masters, you have to go do it yeah you have to apply for the next one and then do your masters and upgrade.


So I find that's pretty cool. But yeah, other than that, it's just been like fully just smatting out this online stuff.


Do do like Um, because I think, like heaps people in the fitness industry, they look at like it's real easy, like, if you look at upskilling to be like you know, like relevant to yourself, so like PT or like nutrition. Do you look at other things, like you know, marketing, like how to better market yourself or how to better like give value so that you can charge more, or like is that a thing that you look at?


so I feel like, I Feel like as a PT, like my like, as a like, obviously, when you're, when you're associated to a gym or something like that, like let's me was saying they do most of the marketing for you. Yeah, like you're in the heaps of my like marketing but they've got cards, they've got that kind of stuff for you. But when you're on your own like, obviously you definitely got to put yourself out there more, more like Facebook groups, like social media, that kind of stuff.


I think my biggest thing going into this online stuff was like where to start and that's where I went up to Steve and I was like, because I did like a bit of a marketing course course thing with him last year, I'm like how to get online and stuff, and he was like, great course, how did you find that? And I was like it was good. But for someone who doesn't know anything, I Just want someone to help me step by step.




How does see everything up?


Come to the agency man, come you know. Come to the agency launch agency, come on.


I'm there.


I'm getting that legion going straight off a bat man. You see agency. No, anyways, you know, that's exactly what he does.


And he went away and I was like you know, like I want to do all of this stuff and I want to go online. I want to, but where do I stop?




How do I do it? Where do I start? How do I do it? How do I get a rolling? What? What apps do I use? What legion do I use? How do I? You know, it's a lot of things to think about. If you don't have a, don't have any idea how to use it, and he went away and literally Created exactly what I needed and he came back and he was like do you like pay him for that, like as a mentor?


Yeah, yeah, so it's great. So he's on my ass every single day, which is great. It's what I need. I need that. You just push, you, like throwing yourself into it. You need to be hitting those leads every day. You need to be doing that kind of stuff, which is which is good, and he's very much on, like you know, a lot of visualizations, like affirmations, like waking up, like quite spiritual and like energy and that kind of stuff, which is great. So I've learned kind of a lot about that. I as well, like what I'm kind of running at the moment is like a five-day free challenge which leads into my 12-week program.


Yes, it's called the Peach Project.


The Peach Project. So here Done our research, we've done our research. We've actually Ty and I have actually just completed the Peach Project. It's been three days since I've done my research.


I'm feeling good right now.


So, yeah, that's where that kind of came on and it was just like. You know, he helped me create it and was like let's play to our strengths. Like what are we going to do? What do girls want in the gym? They walk in like they just want to build their booties, they want to, you know, train hard, they want to eat more, they want to know what to eat, and like that kind of stuff. And we created it and I mean it's so cool.


I reckon like my first launch could not have gone better, because one of my main rules are like if you join it, like it's all free. Whatever you get your program, you get your nutrition program. We do workshops every day, yes, so like we do like a mindset workshop where we set up goals, like we talk about what barriers you have in your life keeping you from reaching these goals, like we go through a whole list of stuff which is so cool, and then there's a workshop around nutrition and workshop around training and that kind of stuff. But my one rule for them to join the challenge is, just when you're done with your workshop every day, you hop on the group and you have to do a Facebook Live. I like that.


That's hard to do.


Yeah, and most people say no and they don't want to do the challenge because they're so afraid of talking, just doing that, doing that.


And all I ask is like at the end of it, I'll ask like, okay, run me through your goals, run me through your barriers, blah, blah, blah. What stopped you in the past? And we're like I'll ask random questions, right. And like it creates such a community, like if I could just run you through my Facebook page, like one person would open up about look, I've been struggling with this, this and this and this my whole life, blah, blah, blah. And then the next person will open up and start talking about what their barriers are and why they're struggling. And they'll start like commenting on each other's videos. And it just creates such a yeah, that's all.


I see it happen every single week with Megaron, and it just opens up this like safe place for them every day.


Look at a stage. It was like it came some people's like daily vlogs. I was watching like two minute lives of like. So today I woke up and then I was just like, oh my God.


How many people are on there, Like five, 10, 20?


Yeah so I try to get like. I'm trying to get like five to 10 a week.




And I mean like it just rolls man, people love it.


That's a pretty good, like like nice sort of legion. You know, like five days is enough to like do something and create like a relationship and stuff. And then I suppose, like from there you just try to convert them into whatever.


Yeah, and I mean the 12 work is basically just the same. You got your nutrition, your training, obviously weekly check-ins, that kind of stuff.


But then they also have 48 lectures as well so we're going through lectures on like mindset, we're going through mindset exercises, you know, like journaling, that kind of stuff, just like different things that people wouldn't usually get, because I'm like obviously so like you can eat as healthy as you want, you can train as much as you want, but if your mind isn't in a good place, man, you're just not going to be in a good place. So it's just like all those things that come together and I mean, yeah, so that's kind of how that works. So it's like kind of just the mindset part of things on top of like the training and nutrition, which I feel like you get way more of.


You know, I mean, I've been on prep like I've had coaches, I've had so many different coaches and that kind of stuff, and I feel like that's the one thing that you lack out of all of that is just that support to keep you going, you know that's that like trend.


They just get hyped up to do something. They start out again like two weeks in a weekend. Oh, this is too hard.


Yeah, exactly, I'm going to stop now.


Now I've got other priorities.


I reckon that is the biggest part of like for this industry is like you give like the value add in the education and then you also have like the accountability. Like there's literally like businesses popping off right now overseas that are like literally just accountability services. Yeah, when you pay like 50 bucks a month and like you get a text every day being like did you go for a run?


Yeah, that's ridiculous.


Bro, like it's an emerging trend, like literally a counter, like that's what people want, like they want to count it.


Yeah, they need it. How sad is it themselves.


Right, like that's sad man I look at them like hey, can you text me to be like you know? I suppose Learn how to do your samples is what your programs do, yeah. Some people just don't have that community and so because of that they don't have like a good friend, like you know, that's going to text them. Be like hey, are you coming to mega run this week?


Yeah, man, we bombard people with messages. We're not Instagram stories.


Seriously, honestly, you and Travis man, you're obviously. Every day is mega run. Six days from now, oh, really, I really but people, people like yeah, I'm going to come.


Oh, I can't come this weekend, but I'll come next weekend, yeah.




Okay. So, hey, you're coming this weekend. Hey, actually I'm sick now, yeah, oh, okay, we'll see you next weekend then.




Text him next weekend. Oh, I got a friend's 21st. I come on like you got to keep doing it but you finally do it. Like you know, six months time.


Nothing better than a thing.


Hey, I haven't seen you in a while. Like you, have you started running? Like, what are you doing? You want to get there? Like oh, I've actually been in a really bad place, but I'm so glad you message. I really appreciate that. And now they do come. Yeah, it might be six months later, Might be a year later. We got 1200 something people now Auckland Facebook. Right 50 people show up every week. How many people are not coming?




They've just been there and have never come before, and they won't come unless you message them. Yeah, they need that, they just need that push sometimes, and once they get into it, you're right.


They're the right mindset, they're off. They're on the way. I've been once to Megaron. I've done my. I've done my dash.


I've been, just went into just like hi nation.


I don't know what happened. I don't know what happened.


I've been to all these runs and all of a sudden now he was busy man.


But I just was running for the ultra and then I was done with running for like three months.


Back to back ultra, that's 50. Yeah, it was like 100K, it was like 50 one day and then 50.


The next.


Adam nowhere. Yeah, I know.


My favorite thing is I didn't tell anyone.


I just went and did it.


Yeah, I just went and did it, bro, but I filmed the whole.


Thing like training up to it and I just have also. So you did train for it. Yeah, he was doing it, yeah.


I still haven't really done much with the footage. But you know, one year later I'm still getting there.


Still trying to get around, but he was running with us all the time.




He was doing his runs and then he went overseas.


George is like I'm trying to get to my like marathon or half marathon. I was like that's mean, I could never do that. I was like running half marathon. Saturday and Sunday every week, and then he goes overseas and all of a sudden, rips out this, this, this the back to back ultra race.


Oh my God it was ridiculous.


Yeah, it was super weird as well. I just had a 23K for my birthday as well.


I saw that when you put that in your store, you're like happy birthday to me.


I was like whoa, yeah, I could think of so many better things. It was definitely so awesome. It was like the day after like a running workout too, I reckon by the end of this, we'll get her into running as well.


Do you know what I started recently?


My sister's got me this podcast is all a facade to get everyone to Megaran. Yeah, we're actually rebranding out on that. Nothing about blizzness, strictly about running.


Sunday's Mission Bay Megaran. We're just getting bodybuilding people on to get them to running. Oh my God, honestly, um yeah.


I've started. On a Sunday morning, my sister and I go to Pilates now.


Oh vibes.


It's become like such a highlight of my week and like so different from bodybuilding, because I feel like man, it's hard, you know, and like I go in there and I know that PT that takes it and she's like oh, we've got Courtney here, like this bodybuilder, blah, blah, blah, blah, and I go in there and all these like like older ladies are there and they're like grab the like 5KG plates.


I'm like okay.


I'm good 5KG plate.


Honestly, I regretted it 10 minutes into that workout.


I was like I need the 2.5. Like what is this? It's hard.


That's like I got some Q and A's to wrap up the chat with, because I actually have a meeting in seven minutes and a half.


But Chops and I, one of my mates, we went to this Pilates thing once and it was like off day recovery day. We were a couple of athletes, you know, we played touch, just humble athletes, going in for a bit of off day recovery with one of the boys who was doing his Pilates sort of set and like never, ever have I been more humble than my life. Hey, we're like the first, first pose and we're like, yeah, just like looking at each other and we're just like he's, just like you boys don't have to do this pose, but if you want you can try to do this. And we like gave each other a look.


We're like yeah, we'll do it yeah shaking.


Yeah, actually I got some Q and A to wrap up with for you All, right. The first one is like how do you price everything?


That's the first one that I remember, and then I think that one thing going into it. Yeah, you've got to, just like you're with it. You've got to remember that. And I mean, I think a lot of the time we think that people can't afford it or won't afford it, people will afford it.


People can afford it and they will get the money if it means that much to them. And I definitely feel like, like, especially people in the fitness industry you need to just put your price up there and like, even if it is too high like I mean my price at the moment for my 12 week program is quite high Like it's a high ticket sales. You're getting a lot of things in it.


What are you? What are you charge?


Two and a half. Yeah it's great. It's 12 weeks, man. You're getting daily check-ins, you're getting an app, you're getting so much things and that's basically what I pay for my prep, you know it's for a bodybuilding competition. So it's great. You've just literally got to put your price out there. Don't feel like it's too much. You know. Own it Like you are worth that much. You're putting in your time, you're putting in your energy, and what people don't understand is it's so much energy and time that you put into people.


Like that will attract the right people and it will deter the wrong people, you know, yeah exactly, there's no point like just doing it half often, being half happy because it's like you just if you charge, you know like 20 bucks for a 12-week program, like no one's going to do it because they don't value it and you're only going to get people who are like, oh, can I get it for 10 bucks.


But if you're charging, like two and a half. Being like this is value. Then people will be like you know what this is value for like three months of my life. I want to make this change and this is my commitment to myself. I like that.


I think that's like a good way to do it. It's the best way to look at 100% and, like I was saying before, you know 50% of why people go to you is because of you.




So you can't put a price on that. You know you can't compare it to anyone else as well, because it's your program, it's what you're doing and it's all about having you as the coach, as the person in charge of it. So, 100%, you can't compare it. You've got to put it out there and and just do the best you can. Just just rip into it and just give you all, and people are going to love it or they're just not, and that's.




I've got a question from from Sarah Kelsey, host of the OneUp project. I know she'll be listening to this as well. How can I fit more protein in my day? I find it so hard lol.


I feel like I get this every day, straight steaks here.


That's how you fit it in. Steak in ears every hour.


I'm literally it's a hard one. I don't have like a lot of protein supplements, like there's some really natural ones that you can get out there nowadays. It's so much easier, but I mean, I have protein five times a day. You know?


oh my God Not protein powder, but like.


Oh right, right, yeah, yeah. So like I was like oh well, maybe, maybe she is doing that.


You know like it is hard to feel, like people struggle with that. But I mean, if you don't know, research so much. Other food has protein in it as well.


Yeah, like type peanut butter, for instance, like beans sacks, grams and peanut butter you know like you can actually, if you, if you actually like looked into it. You don't have to just eat chicken and steak and stuff to have protein. Yeah, so much other stuff out there, but I don't feel like people struggle a lot to get protein in. But don't do that, guys. You have to take your protein intake 100 percent. I've got mine recently?


Yeah, 100 percent. And last question for you Do you know what we actually need to do around two of this, because I haven't even touched on like I wanted to, like bring you into the combo I don't know I want to.


I was just talking way too much.


No, I like did ask, wanted to bring you in from like the running, like and the tennis coaching. Yeah, yeah and then also, I didn't even get to talk to you about your app, so like we fully have to do around to so your app to your app. No, no, no app. Oh yeah, I don't want to talk to you about your app no.


Peach, but like Peach, yeah, yeah we have to do around to we 100 percent need around to.


But my last question for you is 30 seconds or less. What would be your ideal split, like gym split for a for a chick.


For a chick.


This is also from Sarah going to name and say I mean, I haven't shown you Love you.


Honestly you guys knew what I've been trying for the last 15 weeks and I've actually. It's going to be hard for me to get like, because I know I need to train other muscle groups.




It's literally just being like legs three times a week.




And then like back and shoulders and a bit of arms.


I love that.


That's it Like legs back and shoulders, legs back and shoulders, but of arms legs.


I love that that's been in it.


That's been. That's like a perfect bodybuilder split, though. It's just that shape that you want, but I need to start incorporating a bit of chess now realize.


Yeah, I love that. Ok, well, in the meantime, before we get around to Sus, because we actually have to do this and before you move back as well to Aussie Tyler, we've got to do this again. But in the meantime, where can they find you?


Awesome guys like just message me on Instagram. I think it's caught Bridget Fert Change it recently, but yeah, all the links are down the bottom.


Yeah, I'm on Instagram somewhere, Arthur.


Yeah, yeah, yeah, I recently changed my name. So, yeah, just get a message on Instagram, guys, if you're looking for, if you want to join on to my Peach Project.


See me at the Peach.


Project let's go. Yeah, I'm in there. Beauty.


I'm a bit of that my life, to be honest, yeah same.


Let's go get some. Ok, let's show Check Beauty Easy man. That was a crack. Yeah, yeah, yeah.

Fitness Industry Insights and Personal Experiences
Personal Training to Online Coaching Transition
Effective Marketing Strategies for Getting Clients
Community and Persistence in Running
Pilates, Pricing, and Protein
Find Courtney on Instagram for Peach Project